Gratitude And Appreciation. The Power Of Here.

Sunny Evening 001

Yesterday while at work i was thinking about the long term rewards of gratitude and appreciation for our lives every single moment of any given day, and one of the things that struck me, was how easy it can be to lose that frame of mind if we start wishing we were somewhere else, doing something else.

Before we can fully establish contentment into our way of thinking to a natural level we have to practice this physically and learn to be happy exactly where we are at any given moment. We may get the urge to investigate something that is entirely none of our business, only to find that we have not missed anything at all, which takes us even further away from the contentment we would otherwise have.

By practicing a method, of what i call THE POWER OF HERE,we can rinse and repeat this process over and over again to the point where we naturally start to feel grateful for everything that comes our way. At first we may feel that these experiences are new to us, or even alien but without the effort of this practice we miss what we would have otherwise appreciated because our longings are somewhere else they shouldn’t be.

So many people on a widespread level live their lives like that daily, year in year out, i did at one time myself and i found nothing constructive got achieved at all. By chasing what was out of my reach i got absolutely nowhere. It took me miles away from contentment, and it took me years to get back there when i had a recent eureka moment about where i had been going wrong. I get some people saying to me that they feel like they are not getting anywhere in life. I say you are somewhere, right here because right here is your actual point of power and all you have to do is practice at appreciating it and being grateful for it too, then you will flow like a river to experiences and outcomes you will naturally appreciate and be grateful for….It’s that simple……..

Before i talk about some of the reactions i have received to that answer what i will say here is a point has been proved to myself. By slowing down long enough to smell the fragrance of a rose we will really smell it with such depth that would otherwise elude us. Believe me, nothing will pass you by and you won’t miss anything i promise you.

One friend i have recently met online, who i talk to on Skype, who has undergone his own realizations fully understood what i was talking about and he said to me last night ” You Sound  like you have struck Gold”

But that Gold is there for everyone, no one is exclusive. For when you are happy and content to be exactly where you are, you start to shine and radiate like you never did before, and by practicing the POWER OF HERE you will see that contentment breeds contentment, in lamens terms you come alive. If you feel like everything is coming alive it is because you are.

Now others have reacted like this “Well how come Adam and Wayne who i went to school with have got houses and both married their childhood sweethearts, they’ve got this, they’ve got that “…….ETC ETC…… and why hasn’t anything good like that happened to me, life isn’t fair they are both B_ _ _ _ _ _ _.

I say ” You are not Adam or Wayne and you are not where they are, because you are you and you are here, not there.”

“You have to like where you are, because if you keep practicing liking where you are, guess what, yeah you get more of liking where you are”.

That is when you start to flow to more positive experiences and outcomes without even having to force anything.

Some people have understood it and asked me ” What are you some kind of old soul or something?”  Others have said sarcastically “Yeah whatever”.

I simply understand that what life gives you really is enough currency to generate more, but we have to practice gratitude and appreciation for whatever it is you have, then that builds a foundation for more experiences and outcomes to appreciate and be grateful for.

I don’t think any more needs to be said here……….






2 thoughts on “Gratitude And Appreciation. The Power Of Here.

  1. The power of here! Jeez. I feel this piece speaks directly to me. Being an introvert and a recluse, my sense of comparison, analysis and I fear, conclusion, have heightened. Although I appreciate little things like simplicity, nature and it’s beauty, I have never really exercised the power which u speak of. I just myt take a go at it.


    1. It is something i have exercised in the past and got great results from, but i stopped for years and fell back into the insecure default way of thinking, to only have a eureka moment 26 years later about what i neglected and i neglected practicing contentment, It was that simple.

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